Friday, February 15, 2019

Date and Nut Bread

Date and Nut Bread 

1 cup chopped dates
1 t. soda
1 cup boiling water
2 T. melted butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
2 cups flour
1/4 t. sal1/2 t. baking powder
1 t. vanilla
1 c. chopped nuts

1. Dissolve soda in boiling water and pour over dates and cool.
2. Cream together butter and sugar. Add beaten egg and add to cooled date mix.
3. Add sifted flour, salt and baking powder. Add vanilla and nuts.
4. Bake in loaf pan 9x5x3 in. ,350 degrees, 1 hour.
5. Best results will be obtained by baking the day before bread is to be used. 
Notes: This bread picked up moisture for a few days after baking before beginning to dry out.
Come Into Our Kitchens Published by Covenant Women of the North Park Covenant Church
5250 N. Christiana Avenue, Chicago Il 60625  ( Subnitted by Mrs. Chas. Hjerpe, Mrs. Otto F. Ohlson and Mrs. Signe Lund

The Source
Back of the loaf is the snowy flour,
And back of the flour the mill,
And back of the mill is the wheat and the shower,
And the sun and the Father's will

Maltbie D. Babcock 1858-1901

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