Monday, February 28, 2022

Bean There Done That Lasagna

 Today I assembled a bean/mushroom/tomato sauce combination that I had in my freezer with a can of tomatoes/onions/garlic mixture I cooked on the stove top in the style of lasagna sauce. This is my new attempt to not abandon the bad recipe I found for mushroom chili. When I realized that the recipe wasn't going to be anything like chili but more of a sauce I decided not to spice it up with heavy chili flavor and consider what I would use it for instead. I originally thought it would be a good spaghetti sauce served over polenta. The problem with that is that Randy wouldn't help me eat that up. There was enough sauce for quite a few days of lone eating. More days than I cared for. So I just froze the mess to consider future options. I did actually make a small corn meal mush dish that I enjoyed the sauce on. But enough is enough. It was very flavorful with the pound of mushrooms in it.

My bean lasagna used up the mushroom and stovetop sauce I told Randy the beans were the protein. Of course there is also ricotta cheese, mozzarella and parmesan to boost the protein content. I want him to be prepared for the beans in the lasagna since that is a novel experience for us.

Here it is! As you can see we haven't tried it yet. I'll let you know soon.

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